Production and Packaging

Our production and packaging processes are carried out by trained employees using state-of-the-art technologies in our facilities.

1. Production

Ingredients are purchased from local and international suppliers offering high quality products. After approving that these ingredients meet the required criteria through analysis, they are checked for full conformance with the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) system.
Ingredients, after being tested and approved, are transferred to operational silos. They are transferred according to the ratios that are defined in the computerized (automation) system in one tonne batches from the silos to vertical mixers.
After being mixed in vertical mixers, each one tonne batch is sent to the horizontal mixer. In the horizontal mixer, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients such as taurine, glucosamine etc. which give nutritional benefits to the product and which are all automatically prepared in the micro dosage unit are added and mixed for predefined periods to achieve a homogenous mix.
This flour-like mixture is transferred from the product silos and made into dough with steam and water in the preconditioning unit and then transferred to the cooking unit. The pre-cooked hot dough continues to be cooked with more water and steam.

After being cooked also with mechanical energy, the product passes through the extruder to give its final shape. Cooked and shaped product is passed through the dryer to lower its moisture ratio and then through the oiling unit to receive surface oiling.
The final product is transferred to the cooler to reduce its temperature to the ambient temperature and then passed through the sieve one more time and for packaging, transferred to the product silos with closed system elevators with magnetic separation units.

2. Packaging

In our packaging machines, products are first filled automatically into packages, and packages are sealed using the thermal sealing method and a batch code is applied on each package.
Packages transferred to the automatic pallet storage unit are loaded onto pallets, and pallets are stacked and wrapped with stretch films and then transferred to the shelves in the product warehouses.