Integrated Management System Policy

  • Producing all of the products without making concessions on hygiene rules.
  • Providing continuous monitoring for the physical, chemical, and microbiological hazards in terms of food safety and taking necessary protective measures about them.
  • Making purchases and productions in accordance with all laws, codices and standards regarding food safety.
  • Completing the planned production with our minimum fault policy and meeting customer demands in a quickest manner.
  • Keeping customer satisfaction at maximum level and ensuring the continuity of this satisfaction by always taking the customer expectations into consideration.
  • Adopting the constant improvement and enhancing our quality as a principle.
  • Continuously increasing the knowledge and consciousness of our employees, realizing that by providing trainings to them and raising their spirit and productivity.
  • Carrying out any task required to prevent environmental pollution within the framework of social responsibility concept.
  • Monitoring and constantly improving the effectiveness of the system by conforming to the provisions of Food Safety and Quality Management Systems.
  • Continuously reviewing the applicability of the integrated management system and its conformity to the legal provisions.